. . . well, this picture about sums it up.
Clearly, my dad is a fun guy to be around. His jokes, though goofy at times, still manage to make us smile and laugh.
I know it's a day late, but I definitely want to give a shoutout to my amazing dad.
One of my dad's best qualities is how thoughtful and kind he is to everyone. At church, he's always the guy who stays after the meetings to make sure all the chairs get put away. He'll escort little old ladies from their cars, open doors for them, and help them up and down stairs. My dad goes out of his way to make sure people have what they need and especially loves doing secret service like shoveling the neighborhood walks after a snowstorm. Once he even sprained his ankle while we were swimming because he wanted to teach his girls how to do a cannonball (we learned not to do one in the shallow end).
Another fun quality of my dad's is that he loves to tease people, especially his girls. I'm pretty sure it's one of his favorite things to do. Teasing us is one way that he shows that he loves us. He teases us about silly things, like how he tells Amber and me that when we were little baby twins, he could fit one of us in each hand (true) and juggle us (not true).
One of my favorite things to do with my dad is to go on camping trips. He always makes sure it's a fun time and puts a lot of work into making sure everyone is having fun. My dad even baits our hooks for us when we go fishing and doesn't make me touch the fish once I catch them (yeah, I have this weird fear of fish).
I am so happy I got to spend Fathers' Day with my wonderful dad! Of course, it wouldn't be a family get-together without a funny story coming from it. So my dad loves his sweets, and for Fathers' Day my mom made Reese's trifle. His portion was fairly big, but then my mom took this out of the fridge saying, "And here's my trifle!"
I don't know how he managed to survive with five girls in the house with dogs as the only males besides himself. But I do know that I have the best dad, and I love him very much.