There are two ducks in particular that I always see together. I call them the Married Ducks because since they're always together, it's easy to think of them as being married (if ducks do such a thing).
One night, the Married Ducks found their way to my apartment complex and were waddling around the pool in front of my apartment. They were so cute that I fed them a piece of bread. I tried to lure them closer to me, breadcrumb style, but they were too smart for that and made me use what's left of my softball skills to throw the pieces of bread over the fence to them so they didn't have to move.
They come back to my pool from time to time, and I get ridiculously excited and rush inside to grab some bread (you would be excited too if you were desperate for a pet and your apartment complex banned them). It makes me happy to see two little creatures so happy together, toddling away, wing in wing.
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